Offering a wide variety of courses, London holds a Christian Music School
A SCHOOL of Christian music organised by Jimmy and Carol Owens (famed composers of 'Come Together' and 'The Witness') is to be held in London this summer.
The event will run from 16th July through to 24th August and will cater for up to 100 full-time students plus additional classes held each evening and on Saturdays for a further 1500 part-time students.
Courses offered will include vocal performances (for speaking and singing), song-writing, instrumental workshops, basic music theory and sight-singing, the worship band, modern harmony and improvisation, conducting, sound system/recording tips, and music and evangelism. Guest artists will give a series of concerts and share their wealth of experience personally in the classes. In 1990 Jimmy and Carol Owens ran a successful School of Music in Singapore. This was the first of its kind and it attracted over 2000 people. Early in 1991 they will be running the same school on behalf of Last Days Ministries in America.
Jimmy and Carol Owens have been sent out by Jack Hayford's church as missionaries to establish these schools of music throughout the world for the furtherance of the education of worship leaders and musicians. They will both be present at the London School of Music for the six-week period.
Jean Darnall of Christian Life Ministries says, "A great variety of
teachers, worship leaders, artists, musical evangelists, publishers
and songwriters from all around the world will be on hand to offer
their skills and friendship."