The 'Rachael Lampa' album sees singer heading in new musical direction.
CCM STAR Rachael Lampa debuted at number 12 in Billboard's Top
Christian Albums chart with her latest self-titled release. The album,
produced by Tommy Sims, is in, according to the 19 year old singer, "a
funk rock kind of direction that took my love for Stevie Wonder and
mixed it with a rock style and then the old-school ballads." Lampa
credits Sims with helping her achieve her new musical direction. "He's
such a genius. He's so experienced and really knows what he's doing.
At the same time he gave me so much room. He really helped me to step
out of myself and be honest in my writing and take ownership in all
different ways that I'm not used to taking ownership in, but I feel
like I need to and I should. He recommended that. It became like a
50/50 partnership thing."