Fondly remembered Bournemouth rockers Bosh remastered for new compilation

THE FONDLY remembered rock team from Bournemouth, Bosh, who disbanded in
2011, have released a digital compilation of tracks remastered from
their albums 'Sound the Alarms', 'The Gloaming Hour', 'Live at the
Pier Theatre' and 'Fruit Tree'. The album, 'Explode (Remastered)', is
now available on all major download sites. Said Bosh's Dave Griffiths, "Listening back to
our releases from our recording heyday, I always felt that the
mastering could be improved. We worked with excellent engineers and
producers but didn't really know much about mastering. Nearly 10 years
on from that time, I thought it would be fun to dig out the unmastered
mixes and have a go at polishing the songs up. So I chose the songs
that I felt best represented our band and had a lot of nostalgic fun
remastering them. We were really prolific in the studio from
2007-2010, and I'm still really proud of the music we made."