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Thursday 22nd March 2007

ICC decide not to distribute controversial Martyn Joseph album

IN THE LIGHT of the controversy surrounding Welsh singer/songwriter Martyn Joseph and his soon-to-be-released album 'MJGB06' which contains the controversial song "Mr Robertson", recorded live at Greenbelt '06, and the use of the "f" word ICC Media Group, the company responsible for distributing Martyn's Pipe label to UK Christian retail, have decided not to distribute the album. Said a spokesperson, "We believe it would not be right for us to distribute it and I know Martyn appreciates the decision we've made on it." CR

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Reader Comments

Posted by brian jewkes in dudley @ 16:28 on May 8 2007

Jesus never encouraged the assasination of our enemies, percieved or otherwise. neither did he use foul language to make his point. We all one day shall have to give account of ever idle word we use.I do not take sides as i do not have enough information on the motives of those in question, but the end justifying the means is dodgy ground. I am not a prude, nor am i shocked by the comments of either of these two well known Christians,but iam saddened.

Posted by mark in United Kingdom @ 18:45 on Mar 26 2007

i used to be a big fan of martyn but this is deserved , it`s about time that christian companies started to stand by biblical standards (colossians ch 3) as it seems more acceptable for christians to swear these days but my bible hasn't changed.

Posted by Simon in Hook, United Kingdom @ 17:23 on Mar 22 2007

Aaahh! I don’t believe ICC have pulled out of this. It all sounds like an overly P.C. knee-jerk reaction to me. Which is worse - a few people singing about their dislike of a false prophet, or that false prophet suggesting the assassination of a country's leader? It's a bit much not to distribute an entire album because of 1 word in 1 song. I hope you find someone else to distribute it Martyn.

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