Pitch At Parliament

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Friday 2nd July 2010

Philippa Hanna joins Sheffield schoolgirls for Parliament pitch

SHEFFIELD singer Philippa Hanna will join a group of Sheffield schoolgirls as they pitch their business plan to an audience of politicians and business leaders at the Houses of Parliament on Monday 5th July. Partners In Innovation, a Bradford-based company behind a school and community engagement programme called Solutions For The Planet, is holding the event. After hearing the talent of local singer/songwriter Philippa Hanna, the girls were keen to use her "I Am Amazing" song as their campaign anthem. The song was co-written with chart-topping songwriter Chris Eaton and speaks out against the ever-present media pressure for physical perfection, at any cost.

Philippa will join the girls from High Storrs School, Sheffield on Monday as they pitch their business plan for Beauty Is Unique, a self-esteem building website which will offer free photoshoots to applicants in need of a confidence boost. As an organisation they aim to challenge the media attitude towards the western ideals of beauty from size-zero diet fads to plastic surgery and air-brushing. Eventually they hope to offer a broader representation of natural beauty to the masses and instil more security in young people. Said Philippa, "After learning of so many people around me struggling with low self-esteem and the rise of so many young people considering drastic surgeries to 'improve' their looks just made me so angry! The idea that you can 'make yourself amazing' via surgery and dieting is so unhealthy. We need a generation that have self-belief and who know that they are already 'Amazing'." The single will be available to hear at philippahanna.co.uk on Monday. CR

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