Prayer Walk For Stadium

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Thursday 1st June 2000

Noel Richards leads prayer gathering at Olympia statium

UK WORSHIP leader Noel Richards organised a prayer gathering at the Berlin Olympia stadium on 25th April. Richards, who plans a huge worship celebration at the venue in 2001 but has so far been unable to book the venue, said, "Around 30 people from Germany, UK and the USA gathered at the stadium to pray for the event there in 2001. The prayer time was led by myself, Gerald Coates, Martin Scott and Dale Gentry. We were joined by some of the church leaders in Berlin and a number of intercessors. As we walked, stood, knelt, cried out to God, laid our hands on the structure and claimed it for his purposes, we prayed for: 1) The youth of the world, as they gather in that place. That they will be anointed for 'the preaching of the Gospel to the ends of the earth'; 2) A flame to be lit in this stadium, that would cause the Gospel to be taken to the ends of the earth; 3) The demonic stronghold in the stadium to be broken; and 4) The prophetic words that have been spoken over the nations of Germany, England and the USA to be fulfilled." CR

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