Psalms Revisited

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Thursday 27th September 2007

Ian White returns to the Psalms for new recording

SCOTTISH singer/songwriter and worship leader Ian White, who in the '80s and '90s recorded his most successful albums with six volumes of contemporary recastings of the Psalms, has returned to that book of the Bible for a new album. Ian recently returned from two weeks recording in Nashville and the new album, 'Psalms Revisited', will be released this winter on his Little Misty label. Said Ian, "The idea was to combine some fresh recordings of some of the early pieces, with one or two previously unheard settings. In practice, a lot of people will hear these recordings who were not familiar with the early stuff." CR

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Reader Comments

Posted by Stephen in Chester @ 12:06 on Oct 30 2009

I Wish to buy the 1989 psalms album of Ian White not the revisited ones. Thank you Ian for blessing so many with your music. They have blessed me and others and Christian music nowadays does not seem to have the same spirtual richness.

They were taken from my flat in the 1990s and since then I have looked everywhere for pslam 4 and pslam 49 to music. How do I go about buying these on tape or Cd ? Thank you again.

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