Rapper's Response

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Monday 13th February 2006

Tonex's gospel music retirement brings forth song from rapper B-C.

IN RESPONSE to the recent announcement on his website that award-winning gospel star Tonex was retiring from gospel music, American rapper B-C has recorded a song "Where's The Love?" The track, recorded at Liquid Records Studios in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, can be heard on the website www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=389222.  CR

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Reader Comments

Posted by Akintayo M. in Manchester,UK @ 21:47 on Oct 16 2008

Tonex, Africa loves you. Don't go away. You were not singing for people to applaud you. You are a mentor to many across the world just try and look across the globe away from your environment. God is able to keep you to the very end. . Stay with Him only him can hold you. Know that its the devil trying to hit you till you can stand it no more. Never give in.I earnestly love you

Posted by dorothy Jones in oklahoma @ 18:52 on Feb 11 2008

Don't forget that ...When the Goin get's tuff...GOD'S GOT YOUR BACK! Don't forget to trust him!!!

Posted by Apostle B. Thomas in Columbus, GA @ 18:32 on Jul 4 2007

There is no problem too hard for God and there is no situation that we can get into that God can't bring us out. I want to say that "The Giant Will Fall". Just throw your rocks. What's in your hand? God put it there! Use it for His Glory! By the way, God will have the last word and the Giant will fall. Be encourage. We are in a season of getting closer to Catch on Fire! Don't let nothing and No One stop you from drawing nigher to God. Remember: The Giant Will Fall.

Posted by Steven in St. Louis MO @ 21:47 on Jun 26 2007

For One this is heart breaking, I mean I looked up to this guy, and all of a sudden he's no longer, singing gospel music. Now I'm just a confused fan, and I have no clue of what's going on in the man's life, but don't let anything, or anybody, stop you from doing what you feel God Almighty has called you to do. This is how I see it god has apparently moved you out of one bad situation to ease you into good one. You'll be hearing from me soon.

Until we hear from you again,

God Bless,

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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