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Thursday 8th March 2007

Christafari ready diverse album 'To The Foundation'

IN WHAT THE band describe as their "rootsiest effort to date" gospel reggae pioneers Christafari are set to release 'To The Foundation'. Recorded with all real instruments and several guest vocalists the album "moves from roots reggae to lovers rock to dancehall and back again." Said the band's lead singer and ordained minister Mark Mohr about 'To The Foundation', "I don't strive to make a hit, but a classic. When in the studio I think 'how will this sound 10 or 20 years from now?' I want to record music that will endure for decades so that the message of Jesus Christ will continue to bear fruit for generations to come. With the release of 'To The Foundation', it is our desire to see listeners build their lives on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ. We want them to be firmly planted in his teachings and moving forward in his Spirit."

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