Health and wealth preachers lashed on new Sammy Horner album
CELTIC singer/songwriter, frontman with the Electrics and record
producer Sammy Horner
has completed work on his latest album, 'International Desert Songs'.
Horner told Cross Rhythms, "The album really came out of my
wanderings. I have seen a lot that has made me ask many questions.
Uber rich western preachers talking a corporate language of power and
money while children die in Asia for the lack of medicine that costs
about 30 pounds. I really don't get it and see the kind of teaching in
the popular showbiz church about as far from what Jesus was about as
it could be. If money and health are a basis for God's blessing then I
have none of it - what does that make me? What do such teachings say
to the poor and marginalised of the world? The songs have no
particular musical theme of indeed a coherent lyrical content. They
are 'international' because they were written and recorded on three
continents (North America, Australia and Europe). They are 'desert
songs' because the desert is a place of survival rather than comfort,
yet it yields life through struggle."
Since I've heard 'Visions and dreams' by the Electrics in the early 90s I tried to get everything by Sammy Horner (incl. Celtic Praise, The Electrics, Dark Country, the Seanachaidh and even a tape with rockn'roll songs for kids by Sam Horner and the Wonderkids). For me he is little bit like a christian Shane MacGowan (with a different spirit and a different kind of humour). So I also bought this Cd. This time it sounds not celtic at all, it is more or less a country album with very honest songs about finding hope in Jesus in troubled, painful and confusing times. It sounds a little bit like Buddy Miller or even Woven Hand. I like the guitar playing of Jimmy D. Like all good songwriters Sammy Horner writes songs in the ups and downs of live. These songs for sure were written in a time when life was not so easy. For me the music of Sammy Horner is very encouraging. (Brian Houston is similar - also a very good songwriter)