Sarah's Choice

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Monday 23rd February 2009

Rebecca St James talks about her role in new feature film

CCM STAR and now actress Rebecca St James spoke recently about her first starring role in the movie Sarah's Choice. In the film Rebecca portrays a single successful career woman faced with the unexpected news that she is pregnant and the life altering decision of what follows. The role is near to the heart of St James, long an advocate of abstinence, and now making a bold creative statement through film on the pro-life agenda. She said recently, "We live in a very real world where scores of young women every day are being impacted by the heart wrenching issues and life changing choices that my character is suddenly forced to come face to face with. I feel it's an important film with a Godly message that I am praying will profoundly touch lives." CR

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Reader Comments

Posted by Cathy Lawson in California @ 07:21 on Aug 29 2012

I would really like to know the name of the last song in the movie and who sang it, it really touched my heart. They need to make more Christian movies for young people like this one, thank you.

Posted by Hauni in India @ 09:09 on Mar 15 2012

I thank a lot to d film dat u've been produce"sarah choice"it such n inspiring movie dat encourage d youth of our generation to walk,live in God plan n it really tel me dat thou i'm hoplesness on xperience terrible life yet God never misused one of our experience,n He grand us a good live inspite all things.

Posted by ksjb in toledo @ 15:54 on Aug 27 2011

love the last song of the movie Sarah's choice the day God called you home,where can I find it.Had 2 of my children pass away to be with the Lord 10 weeks apart.
The song really touched me

Reply by Nancy @ 06:16 on May 13 2012

I want to find out the last song also. My daughter died and it is perfect.

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Posted by Sandra Smith in Arlington Texas @ 01:33 on Jul 19 2010

I agree with all the comments. What an awesome movie. I truly enjoyed the movie and will be purchasing it as soon as possible. I love the last song as well since I lost a daughter and it made me smile as well as cry.
God Bless Your Ministry!

Posted by Joanne Buczkowski in Peru, IL. @ 17:28 on Jun 27 2010

I am pregnancy director for 20 years. It wold be awesome if you could have people that come to your movie bring a package of diapers to be donated to the local pregnancy center. Thanks for your stand. Joanne

Posted by Anthony DiLorenzo in Holbrook, New York @ 21:10 on Mar 24 2010

I loved the movie, we need more like it...God bless you....

Posted by Peggy Davis in Peoria, Illinois @ 19:42 on Mar 1 2010

Saw this movie Saturday night and loved it. Could you tell me what the name of the last song was in this movie. It was something like "The Day God Called You home". Also, can you tell me who sings it or where I may be able to get it?

Reply by Jake Stewart in Belfast Northern Ireland @ 17:34 on Dec 4 2011

Hi Peggy, Just seen your request for the song The Day God Called You Home, you can buy it from i tunes
it is sang by Eammon McCrystal, maybe you have it by now but if not i hope this is of help to you.

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Reply by Stacey in USA @ 00:44 on Mar 15 2010

I'm pretty sure that the song is sung by Rebecca St. James but I don't know what it's called...

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Posted by Mother of 2 in Atlanta, GA @ 06:01 on Jan 15 2010

Thank you for standing firm in your beliefs and using your God-given talents to reach out in love and truth.

Posted by Kimberly Traylor in Candler nc @ 11:12 on Jun 30 2009

i can't wait to see your movie, your music has inspried me to wrtieing worship songs,the first time i became a fan of yours was in robertsdale al on 4th of july, i really hope god blesses you in many ways

Reply by webmaster in Holland @ 20:48 on Oct 10 2009

im thrilled to see this movie! the trailer is nice!
you can see it here:

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The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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