Award-winning Ryan Stevenson releases "Amadeo (Still My God)"

THE MUCH acclaimed singer/songwriter Ryan Stevenson has released a single,
"Amadeo (Still My God)". It is from Stevenson's upcoming full-length
album, 'Wildest Dreams', slated to release this summer. "Amadeo is
derived from the Latin name Amadeus which means 'lover of God'," said
Stevenson. "We live in an uncertain world, and the truth of our
humanity is the fact that we will all face uncertainties in life.
Uncertainties can sometimes be catastrophic, life-altering events that
shake the foundations of our faith and can leave us disillusioned. My
prayer for this song is to encourage all of us, to trust God no matter
what our circumstances may be, to remind us that whether in crisis or
victory, our first response should always be to cry out to the Lord!
In the midst of trials and storms, may we all be able to hold
steadfast to the Lord, our comforter and peace, and always be able to
say, 'I trust you, God, I love you, God! In every valley or mountain
top, you are still my God!'"