Corey Voss & Madison Street Worship set to release album

WORSHIP pastor Corey Voss, the writer behind the popular "I Got Saved"
and "Praise The King" songs, introduces his church team Madison Street Worship
on a new album released on 8th February. 'Songs Of The House' by Corey
Voss & Madison
Street Worship is being released through Integrity Music and, as
well as Voss, features vocalists Harley Rowell, Olivia Calderwood,
Jenna Transki and others. 'Songs Of The House' is a natural outflow of
the songwriting culture developed at the Gateway Shelbyville church in
Tennessee by Voss and Gateway's pastor, Jason Daughdrill. Said the
worship leader, "The local church is where songs should start. Doing
life together, knowing one another. Our filters are 'what do our
people need to sing?' and 'what is going to lift them up and help them
encounter God?' Our prayer is that others will connect to them as