Acoustic songsmith Steve Bell records with Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra
VETERAN Canadian singer/songwriter Steve Bell has recorded an album with the
Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra. The album 'Symphony Sessions' is released
on Bell's Signpost Records. Said Bell, "Last year at this time, the
idea of recording a CD and performing concerts with symphony
orchestras across Canada wasn't even on the radar. But sometime in
June 2006, the WSO called to see if I'd consider a concert with them
for the fall. Of course I jumped at the opportunity. Mike Janzen
stepped forward to arrange the scores and we set all our energies
toward preparing for what has been the most remarkable concert
experience of my career. It's hard to describe the synergy of an
uber-eager audience, a core group of remarkable musicians and one of
Canada's finest orchestras. But then add to that what I think we all
felt as the pure blessing and pleasure of God - and you might begin to
imagine the evening we had. The result was that we simply had to do it
again, and share it with a wider audience."