Nashville-based singer/songwriter JJ Heller with latest single

THE HEAVILY playlisted singer/songwriter from Nashville, JJ Heller, has released
a single, "Unbreakable Heart". It was written by JJ, her husband
David Heller and one-time All Sons & Daughters singer Leslie
Jordan. Said JJ about the theme of her new song, "I'm gonna go out on
a limb here and assume you know what it feels like to get your heart
broken. To say that it hurts is an understatement. It can feel like
betrayal, humiliation, loss, failure and a whole host of other things.
It might be the end of romance, a friendship or a dream, but it's
always deeply painful. So, we're left with two options: either we can
build emotional barricades, never take a risk and never let anyone
know who we truly are OR we can keep the doors of our hearts open,
knowing that both love and pain can find their way in. Honestly,
sometimes it's really scary to stay open, but we were made to be in
relationship with one another. Life without community, relationships
and love is no life at all."