Addison Road's RV and trailer go up in flames
THE AMERICAN pop group Addison Road received a disturbing phone
call 30-minutes before they were going to the take the stage in Las
Vegas on 5th March when their bus driver told them their recreational
vehicle and trailer had gone up in flames. The flames were so powerful
that the highway was shut down for several hours to control the fire,
which had melted the concrete underneath. Within minutes of sharing
the news on their website and blogs the group began to receive a flow
of prayers, money, clothes and other miscellaneous items. Said lead
singer Jenny Simmons, "We are completely blown away by the generosity,
love and support we have received from the body of Christ. Through
your financial donations, personal stories, prayers, and reminders of
so many beautiful passages of Scripture, you have not only met our
needs physically but you have been a part of restoring or souls and
re-igniting a passion for our ministry as a band. We are incredibly
humbled to know that we have played a small part in your lives and
overwhelmed with gratitude and joy that you have played a HUGE part in