Phatfish And Friends to release album tie-in to book Worshipping Trinity.
A MULTI-ARTIST album about the Trinity will be released in April by Authentic Media. The album 'Trinity' by Phatfish And Friends came about after Phatfish's Nathan Fellingham read the book Worshipping Trinity by Robin Parry and decided to focus Phatfish's next album on the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He has brought in a host of contributors to the project including worship leader Matt Redman, featured on the song "Gifted Response (We Will Worship You)". In the track "Holy Father", sung by Martin Layzell, Fellingham has adapted one of Parry's prayers used in the book. Other contributors to the project are Brenton Brown and Cathy Burton.
Robin Parry said of the album, "If the God at the centre of our
worship is the Three-in-One then our worship should reflect that fact.
Rich and full Christian worship is worship that engages with the
Father, through the Son, in the Spirit and gives glory to all three