US Tour Pull Out

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Tuesday 1st January 2002

DC Talk postpones entire 31-city tour due to personal matters

JUST TWO days before the first scheduled concert of dc Talk's 31-city 'Solo' tour of America in October and November the band notified promoters they were postponing the entire tour. Management are endeavouring to reschedule as many of the dates as possible for January and February 2002. A statement released by dc Talk said, "After much prayer and pastoral counsel, dc Talk has made the difficult decision to postpone their fall tour. Kevin Max has requested time off the road to attend to personal matters."

"I believe I have needed this time away from touring and the business for quite some time," Max said in a prepared statement. "The process of being an island unto myself and the author of my own desires took the place of my most prized relationships. I have come to realise that my character is more important than my career as a performer." CR

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