The 29th Chapter win the finals of The Ultimate Showcase.
LONDON hip-hop crew The 29th Chapter won the final of the Ultimate Showcase which took place at Air (one of God's Kitchen nightclubs) in Digbeth, Birmingham on 24th April. The 29th Chapter won out over Scottish hard music band Acquitted, liquid rock band Soulcry, Scottish rock aggregation Luma and zany rock iconoclasts [dweeb]. The winners were selected by a mixture of audience reaction, internet response and a panel of judges. Cross Rhythms radio presenter Mike Rimmer, one of the event's judges, said, "The final featured some excellent rock bands and it was a very close call. In particular [dweeb] proved to be a very fine live band. Ultimately though, they were pipped by hip-hop crew The 29th Chapter who narrowly won because they had the higher internet vote."
As part of their prize, The 29th Chapter will perform as the opening
act at Alton Towers The Ultimate Event on 14th May as well as
receiving recording time in a top studio, album designs and a video of
their single.