Vocation Through Dubstep

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Monday 28th May 2012

New Ooberfuse song used by Nationwide Vocations Framework

BRITISH electro pop band Ooberfuse have been asked by the Catholic Church to support the Nationwide Vocations Framework which seeks to instruct young people into finding vocation in life. The song "Call My Name" is released on 29th May. Said the group's Hal St John, "It was a challenge to write a song that captures the essence of something as sacred and as intimate as being spoken to and summoned by God in the deepest recesses of our hearts. When God speaks to us he does so in a strange and other worldly language that it is sometimes hard if not altogether impossible to render into intelligible words. His gentle yet persistent call cuts through the clamour and roar of contemporary life treading as softly as dove's footsteps. For some pop music is part of the noise that drowns out the sound of divinity, de-sensitising us to the transcendent. On the face of it, it seems incongruous that pop music, especially dubstep, should be used to heighten our awareness of God's call to each one of us." CR

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