Christian parody band ApologetiX release their 50th album

THE CHRISTIAN parody band from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, ApologetiX, have
released the album 'Xit Ego Lopa'. Read a band statement, "Though the
phrase is unfamiliar to most people 'exit ego lopa' means 'back to the
beginning'. It's a fitting title for our 50th CD in 25 years which
feels like the completion of a cycle. . . Of course we hope to be back
with more parodies on a 51st CD and are already beginning to record
them". 'Xit Ego Lopa' contains such tracks as "No Exclusions" (Alice
In Chains' "No Excuses"), "You Might Stink" (The Cars' "You Might
Think") and "Once You See Truth, You Can't Unsee It" (REM's "What's
the Frequency, Kenneth").