Roots reggae singer and producer Yabby You dies in Kingston
You, who was showcased on such albums as 'Jesus Dread' (1997),
'One Love, One Heart' (2000) and 'Deliver Me From My Enemies' (2006),
died of a stroke in Kingston, Jamaica on 12th January 2010. In his
obituary in Mojo magazine David Katz wrote, "One of the least
conventional figures in a field of music disproportionately populated
by eccentrics, vocalist and producer Yabby You released some of the most
singular roots reggae ever committed to wax. Although he wore
dreadlocks and lived among the Rastafari community of the west
Kingston ghettos, Yabby was a committed Christian who contested the
divinity of Haile Selassie, leading to the ironic sobriquet, 'Jesus
Dread'. Having worked closely with King Tubby, Tommy McCook, Lee
'Scratch' Perry and Augustus Pablo, Yabby's productions bore the
hallmark of exceptional musical quality, while his unusual vocal style
and the specific subject matter of his lyrics also worked to set his
material apart from that of his contemporaries."