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Last updated on Tuesday 20th August at 10:37

Results for 'Gerard'

Indiana Wants Him
Jon McLaughlin records 'Indiana' with a bevy of producers [12.06.07]
Easter Gala Prom Praise
30 years of Prom Praise commemorated at Royal Albert Hall [01.03.07]
San Diego Doorkeeper
Percussionist/songwriter Gerard releases 'Rather Be A Doorkeeper' project [05.12.06]
Psalms Go Jazz
Jazz worship team Kairos Ensemble rerecord 'Psalms' set in studio [20.11.06]
Christmas Praise
All Souls Orchestra release CD recorded in 2004 at Royal Festival Hall. [07.11.05]
Kanye West Controversy
Mainstream rapper Kanye West continues to court controversy in gospel circles. [25.01.05]

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