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Last updated on Tuesday 20th August at 10:37

Results for 'Watermark'

Inspired By The Passion
Watermark recover from burn out after watching The Passion Of The Christ movie. [19.08.04]
Christmas Albums
Numerous American Christian artists ready Christmas albums. [13.08.04]
The Passion Of The Christ
Mel Gibson's crucifixion of Christ movie receives accolades from musicians and church leaders. [06.02.04]
The Passion Of The Christ
Mel Gibson's crucifixion of Christ movie receives accolades from musicians and church leaders. [02.02.04]
Rocketown For Fierce!
Rocketown Records decides to use Fierce! Distribution for the UK [01.05.03]
Third Album
Watermark record third CD 'Constant' [01.05.02]
Anthologies For US Labels
Maranatha! Music and Rocketown celebrate anniversaries [01.01.02]
Worship Project
Anew album by trio Randy Phillips, Shawn Craig and Dan Dean called Phillips,Craig & Dean has been released [01.05.01]
30,000 Pray & Worship
A worship event has been organised for 30,000 students in Tennessee [01.08.00]
Rocketown Records releases live album 'A Night In Rocketown' [01.12.99]

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