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Last updated on Tuesday 20th August at 10:37

Results for 'Reach'

Digital Music Sales Rise
Digital music is impacting the Christian industry as sales figures grow [17.04.07]
Youth Revolution
Seventh Day Slumber's Joseph Rojas becomes CEO of Revolution Generation [11.04.07]
Response To Redundancy
Redundancy sparks the release of CD by singer/songwriter Ally Wilson [13.03.07]
Soul Survivor C
New event set to take place on 3rd-7th August at the Cheshire Showground [09.12.06]
MySpace Phenomenon
MySpace website attracting numerous Christian companies as well as independent artists [25.10.06]
Taylor Leaves Nodes
Bassman Terry Taylor announces his departure from Nodes of Ranvier [14.08.06]
Record Label Expansion
Cross Movement Records expand by signing new urban artist Michelle Bonilla [25.05.06]
Reaching The Lost
Hillsong United worship leader talks about desire to reach the lost. [10.04.06]
Summer Madness
Tim Hughes, Johnny Parks, [crave] for Belfast event. [27.03.06]
Veggie Worship
Veggie Tales revive song by Jesus Music legend Keith Green. [24.03.06]

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