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Last updated on Tuesday 20th August at 10:37

Results for 'Passion'

New Magazine
Homecoming: The Magazine launched in America for Southern gospel fans. [30.06.04]
Satellite Breakthrough
Cross Rhythms satellite broadcasts now uplinked to the Sky platform via GOD TV. [15.06.04]
Creed Break Up
Mainstream mega stars Creed break up after eight years. [04.06.04]
Hero Postponed
Eddie DeGarmo's Hero tour of the States planned for spring has been put back. [21.05.04]
Christian Music Tv Channels
Gospel Music Channel and MP Network Christian music channels to launch in USA. [06.05.04]
Another Passion Album
Fierce! Distribution release 'Songs Inspired By The Passion Of The Christ' album. [24.04.04]
Matt's New Project
Live project 'Facedown' by Matt Redman set for May release. [16.04.04]
Founders Buy Back
Integrity Media founder Michael Coleman buys bas back the company. [14.04.04]
Smithfield's Inspiration
Early martyrs of England inspiration for Californian rock band Smithfield. [02.04.04]
In The Charts
Christian music continues to register in USA's mainstream album chart. [17.03.04]

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