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Last updated on Wednesday 19th June at 10:42

Results for 'Scott Blackwell'

Remix Release for Scott
Blackwell In DC Talks
Festivals To Twin
CR Fest Lineup
Lineup for Cross Rhythms Festival in Devon this July includes Pity The Small Thumbs [01.12.93]
N-Soul For UK
CR Fest Lineup
Gospel House 2
Scott Blackwell's 'A Myx'd Trip To A Gospel House 2' released in US [01.10.93]
Off To The US
Producer Steven Nixon relocates to California [01.10.93]
Tribe For US Release
The World Wide Message Tribe sign with America's N'Soul Records [01.06.93]
New Label In Britain
Christian label Frontline (UK) to start operation. [01.10.92]

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