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Last updated on Tuesday 20th August at 10:37

Results for 'Cross Rhythms'

Lyrically Explicit
New sampler aimed at encouraging people to "make a confession of faith." [12.08.04]
King Arthur Music
Moya Brennan contributes music to new King Arthur film. [06.08.04]
All Things New
New direction for Steven Curtis Chapman with 'All Things New' album. [21.07.04]
Matt's Plans
Worship lead Matt Redman to leave Brighton's CCK to help plant new Anglican church. [14.07.04]
Cross Rhythms Correction
A review for the last Cross Rhythms magazine has been corrected [01.07.04]
Satellite Breakthrough
Cross Rhythms satellite broadcasts now uplinked to the Sky platform via GOD TV. [15.06.04]
Soaking It Up
London worship leader Nick Herbert featured on new Emerge release. [14.06.04]
Review Policy Changes
The website now to be primary source of Cross Rhythms album reviews. [01.06.04]
Transition, Skellig, Dayinahole, Phil James all to play new Rhondda Valley event. [19.05.04]
Delirious?, LCGC, Steve, Audiogene for Eridge Estate festival. [16.05.04]

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