Station details
Licence Number CR059
Station Name Cross Rhythms Plymouth
Launch Date 28/03/2007
Web address where you will publish this report 2012annualreport/
1.2 The year in numbers
1.3 Key commitments: programming
Key commitment delivery YES or NO
Explanatory notes re non-delivery (if applicable):
This reporting covers the last three months of the year, the period when the new Key Commitments were approved. In this period our local, original and live output was dramatically increased and has been sustained to date. Volunteer involvement has also been increased in this period.
1.4 Key commitments: Social gain objectives
Key commitment delivery: YES or NO
(a) The provision of sound broadcasting services to individuals who are otherwise underserved
According to the National Census of 2001, nearly three quarters of the people living in the proposed broadcast area describe themselves as Christian; however, existing broadcasters in the area provide only limited amounts of output having a specific Christian perspective. This lack of specifically relevant broadcast material highlights the need for a service which provides information and entertainment for the Christian community in the Plymouth area as well as including feature material which is of relevance to specific sub-groups within this community. This is particularly true for the younger members of the target community who perhaps find it harder to engage with traditional Church structures. YES
(b) The facilitation of discussion and the expression of opinion
Cross Rhythms Plymouth intends to provide a range of opportunities and mechanisms to enable discussion and expression of opinion to take place. A primary way of achieving these objectives will be through inviting guests with a range of opinions on issues to share their views. This will be achieved through interviews, phone-ins and, where appropriate, through the use of live studio discussions with representatives from relevant groups being invited to take part. YES
The station will encourage participation by the target community at all levels. At its most basic, this will include the ability for listeners to send SMS text messages, e-mails and to telephone the radio station to express their views and comments. For those wishing to have a greater involvement in the programming of the station, there will also be opportunities to take part in programmes as a guest or, after appropriate training as a presenter or producer. YES
The station's core team will maintain regular contact with local church leaders which will provide a further avenue through which the opinions of members of the community may be channelled through to the station, ultimately helping shape and contribute to the overall content, sound and style of the station's broadcast output and other activities. YES
(c) The provision (whether by means of programmes included in the service or otherwise) of education or training to individuals not employed by the person providing the service
Cross Rhythms Plymouth will engage with a wide range of local educational establishments at a variety of levels. It will provide access to the radio station for students. YES
Station volunteers will be trained in various skills including on air presentation, production, interviewing, local news and events scripting and research. YES
CR Plymouth will collaborate with other local community oriented businesses and organisations to provide and develop work experience and training opportunities for young people. YES
(d) The better understanding of the particular community and the strengthening of the links within it
Cross Rhythms Plymouth will act as a focal point and catalyst for closer cooperation and mutual development between churches and Christian organisations of all denominations, and their members. YES
Traditionally there are many denominations and streams across the Christian community, and by giving access to those streams and denominations, the station will help promote greater awareness and understanding of the diversity of Christian beliefs. Such an approach will help build inclusiveness and highlight individual similarities rather than accentuate differences. YES
The station will report on the Plymouth Faith Action Audit through interviews with the stakeholders involved. YES
The station will promote a better understanding of the Christian community to the wider local geographical community in a number of ways. These will include: YES
Profiling the work of local Christian groups and individuals to demonstrate the value of their work in the community. YES
Promoting events which are designed to bring together the wider Christian community through interviews with the organisers. YES
Broadcasting extended interviews with individuals allowing them to share their 'journey of faith' and explain how their faith has been expressed. YES
Additional Social Gain objectives (if any are specified in your licence).
The station will work with other Christian groups in the locality; promoting awareness of their various activities. YES
The station will report on the activities of local businesses. YES
The station will also provide coverage of health, welfare and disability issues as well as matters of particular interest to asylum seekers in the area. YES
Coverage of local arts activities will also be provided, with a particular emphasis on local grass-roots activities. YES
The station will provide opportunities for local law enforcement personnel to make use of the station to promote a crime reduction message. YES
1.5 Access and participation
Key commitment delivery YES or NO
1.6 Key commitments: Accountability to the target community
Key commitment delivery: YES or NO
Explanatory notes re non-delivery (if applicable):
NB Ref complaints – the policy is in place but we have not had any complaints in this period.
1.7 Volunteer inputs
Volunteers are involved in: presenting live shows at breakfast and drive time research including news, local events and sourcing guests for interview shows donor relations and database management finance and day to day administration technical oversight local production of adverts, stings, idents and promo's editing and building playlists recording and voicing local news (pre-recorded versions) schools liaison and visits
Average hours per week worked by volunteers = 3 per volunteer, varying between 1 hour (finance) and 15 hours (breakfast show presenter)
1.8 Significant achievements
Our most significant achievement has been the successful application for the extension of our licence til 2017.
A thorough process of KC changes was undertaken with Ofcom, which enabled Cross Rhythms Plymouth to focus on its work more effectively. This resulted immediately in a dramatic increase in original, locally produced and live programming. This increase has been sustained. This increase gave more scope for involvement of volunteers in more varied aspects of the station's work.
Collaboration with local churches, voluntary and 3rd sector organisations, and public sector organisations (eg Police) culminated in involvement with a regional conference held in Plymouth (Redeeming Our Communities event in October). This has led to stronger working relationships with a number of organisations locally, enabling us to meet our social gain commitments even more effectively than before. The partnerships generated as a result of this event continue to develop, with the station profiling new and existing community cohesion initiatives, especially (but not only) where faith based groups are involved, on an increasing basis.
1.9 Significant difficulties
Finance. Financially the model for Cross Rhythms Plymouth is sustainable and has been well-established over the last 5 years. However every penny is hard to secure. Grant funding is hard to find.
Volunteer co-ordination. We have submitted a number of (unsuccessful) bids for funding for a station manager / sustainability manager role, which will enable us to pay for a person who would have volunteer co-ordination as part of their role. This is a vital function and one that requires a paid employee (we have no paid staff at present). The Trustees see this as a key that will unlock much potential for the development of the station, and the inclusion and training of greater numbers of volunteers.1.10 Audience research
Audience feedback is anecdotal, and shows a wide range of ages, and a mix of people with faith / no faith listening to the station.
Listeners have commented on the variety of music compared to the local ILR station.
People also comment favourably on the positive, uplifting nature of the station's output.
There have been a number of comments regarding the increased levels of live output, all of them positive.
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