Andrew Peterson - Resurrection Letters: Prologue

Published Monday 26th February 2018
Andrew Peterson - Resurrection Letters: Prologue
Andrew Peterson - Resurrection Letters: Prologue

STYLE: Roots/Acoustic
RATING 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 168905-26551
LABEL: Centricity

Reviewed by Lins Honeyman

Setting the scene for an occasional series of albums centred on Jesus' resurrection, this five track EP from Nashville-based singer/songwriter Andrew Peterson is more than just a warm up act for the full length volume one and once again sees the Dove Award-winner offer up the kind of striking work he's become renowned for. Low key in nature, this is something of a meditative piece of work that hones in on the singular most important moment in history in a way that helps the listener understand Christ's death and resurrection in a clearer and more vivid sense - such is Peterson's innate skills as both songwriter and deliverer. Jesus' crucifixion moments are brought to life in the canonic "Last Words (Tenebrae)" - cleverly fashioned as a musical round using the Saviour's final utterances before his death - whilst tracks like "Well Done, Good And Faithful" and "Always Good" highlight both God's supreme mercy and Peterson's trademark accessible vocal delivery. Ending with "God Rested" which provides a thought-provoking and intuitive slant on Jesus' time in the tomb, this is fine precursor to what will be a breathtaking series from Peterson whilst being a worthy release in its own right.

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