Reader Comments
I have that album! (Well actually, it's my mum's!) It's amazing, I love it. I remember when I was younger, and Audacity came to play at my church, Bildeston Baptist Church. They were great, and I met them as well! That's where my mum got "Entertaining Angels"; they signed it as well! I would really like to talk to them, I think they're great. I'm a Christian and I love listening to Christian music, especially this album!
I used to have a signed copy of Entertaining Angels, lent it to a friend, never seen it since. Would love to know where to get a copy.
You can get e copy for £5 from SALTMINE, here:
http://www.saltminetrust.org.uk/content/index.php?page=shop. product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&category_id=7&product_id =38&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=72
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