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rev. charles mclean is the greatest fallsetta to hit the airways. thst is the correct term for the scheeing as you call it. please let us know whrre the music is being played
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Charles Mclean, as far as I'm concerned, was an innovator in that stimulating style of peaking out with a falsetto flourish of the first tenor part, often copied or similarly used by many gospel groups. The man can certainly sing. You listened for him when he sang with the Gospelaires on each number, because, in gospel especially, there is the expected excitement that happens near the end, when the rote of background harmonies suddenly becomes freed up to gut feelings and spiritual drive. Like Claude Jeter and others who blessed us with great falsetto parts, Mclean should always be known for his specialty. Without those special people in the genre, I wonder how far gospel music would have gotten in popularity. To me, good harmonies, great falsetto flourishing, along with exciting leads sound good to both religious and secular audiences, which is a good thing. If you can get 'em in the door, why not try to keep them there for awhile?