Reader Comments
Islam is probably the greatest threat to world peace in our time. The Muslims when in the majority and control not only persecute those of other faiths, but their fellows as well. It really is not a religion of peace but of violence. Fortunately there are many who follow that faith who do not fully understand or embrace the tenets of the Koran.
I find it refreshing that someone has the courage to speak out about this in whatever form it may take. Love has two sides to it.
Warniing someone that their house is on fire is a good thing.
Sorry, Mr. Dilley, but I found your review of Dale Brown's song, "Mahound Dog", to be inaccurate and at the least, offensive to Christians who are fighting the good fight, as I personally know Dale is. Perhaps your "itching ears" want to hear something else? Something a lilttle milder, a little less condemning, or perhaps a little more politcally correct? Persecution comes in various disguises, as you have so eloquently revealed, yet you claim to be a Christian. I would strongly recommend you re-examine your position on what is so evidently occuring around the world in regard to Islam, especially in your own country.
"And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not." Malachi 3:18
I find it sad that we live in a day when the truth becomes offensive. I find not a rant, but rather a careful challenge in musical form to address the truth in a day when truth is asked to be dismissed as unnecessary. Better to address the the truth than to fidel while Rome burns.
Mr. Dilley, I find your rant about "Mahound Dog" to be not only offensive, but also very naive. The Koran is very clear as to, what you do to "infidels". We all better wake up, before it is too late.