Reader Comments
I listen to KDKR in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I like it because there is lots of teaching via the Calvary Chapel churches. One particular show is called Love Never Fails. They use Denny Correll's "You Keep Running" as the intro and outro. It grabbed me and got me tapping my toes. I enjoy his voice very much. I am looking for the album to purchase.
The first time I ever heard Denny Correll was back in the mid 90's. I lived in South Dakota and we were traveling out to the Black Hills for a long weekend. While on I-90, I was listening to a christian radio station out of Spearfish. A song came on that grabbed my attention. I turned it up, and as soon as it was over, I called the station to find out the song's name and artist. It was "Count On His Love" from his Trust album. As soon as I got back to Sioux Falls, I bought the tape, and later bought the cd. I still listen to the album from time to time.
I was sad to hear that he passed away.
I first heard Denny's Hiding Place on a sampler tape in 1993, and loved it. But in 1994 I bought his TRUST CD and the song "Jesus, you mean everything to me!" hit me personally - it was my case word for word!
I met the Lord Jesus and was born again in March 1992 in Sydney, Australia - that was a long way for a banned blues singer and blues harp player (& graphic artist) in the then Czechoslovakia, which I escaped from in 1981.
The Lord sent me on the mission to Czech Republic in 1996 and to complete the Literal Translation of the New Covenant into Czech. I had Denny's Trust CD with me, but it was stolen from me in 2002, and ever since I am trying to get hold of another copy. Can anybody help me, PLEASE???
God bless you
John J
Hi, I read this message today and found I'm in the same situation than Mr. Podmolik : I had this CD and would like to find a copy or mP3 . Is it possible?
Thanks and greetings from FRANCE !
John-contact me with your address and I will make certain you get a copy. Denny's music was special to me, too-so direct and passionate . God bless you .
"Hiding Place", the first song on the Trust album is one of the best songs Denny ever performed. Seek it out. It's worth the effort.
Denny Correll - Trust: Reviewed by Tony Cummings has me wondering if Tony has trouble hearing, assimilating sounds, or has a narrow minded particular style of music that he prefers to think this was dull and not melodic, because Denny's "Trust" Album is just another Super Album Masterpiece by one of The Greatest of American Composers, Producers, Singers, Keyboardists, and Artits of All Time. Every one of Denny Correll's Albums are Masterpieces, which everyone should listen to.