Destroy The Runner - Saints

Published Saturday 6th January 2007
Destroy The Runner - Saints
Destroy The Runner - Saints

STYLE: Hard Music
RATING 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 20710-10377
LABEL: Solid State TND66386
RELEASE DATE: 2006-10-01
RRP: £1.99

Reviewed by Tony Cummings

San Diego-based Destroy The Runner are distinctive from the majority of hardcore metal bands in two key ways. The first is attention to detail. 'Saints' is a musically insightful album featuring a fluid shifting of brutal riffs within the structure of well penned songs. Coupled with exemplary musicianship and the clear sense of being extremely well rehearsed, Destroy The Runner have set themselves a foundation for longevity in this industry. The second thing that defines Destroy The Runner is that they make a feature of the fact that the guitar players have a lot to say, and indeed the ability to say it. In short, they are the only hardcore band I have heard making space for wailing guitar solos (it's rare enough to be able to tell whether the guitars have even been tuned)! 20-year-old front man Kyle Setter has managed to become accomplished at both growling and singing cleanly at a very young age, using both to convey the passion that is inherent in this kind of music and obviously a big part of the lifestyle of this band. With dedication to God, to their music, and to their fans covered, all Destroy The Runner need now is a little more variety. I found myself frequently looking at my CD player to find out which track I was on, with little really sticking in my head by the time it was all over. Expect much more to come from this young band. Recommended for fans of The Showdown and Demon Hunter.

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