Disciple - Back Again

Tuesday 1st July 2003
Disciple - Back Again
Disciple - Back Again

RATING 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
LABEL: Independent

Reviewed by David Cranson

Disciple hail from Knoxville, Tennessee. They rock. It’s a cliché, but it’s true. They started taking shape in 1992, give credence to the moniker ‘Power Trio’ and consist of Kevin Young, Brad Noah and Tim Barrett - bass/vocals, guitar, drums respectively. To give some idea of what to expect try mixing Rage Against The Machine, Bride, Metallica, P.O.D. styles with Luke Easter (Tourniquet) cum Kelly Jones (Stereophonics) vocals. Kinda rough ’n’ ready but polished enough thanks to a seven-year recording career. This is their first album in two years - their fifth in total. - also the first on their own record label. So the content... Well, by about halfway through I was awaiting the ballad. That’s the one thing I think is “wrong” with the album, the running order (hardly important with a random or programme function) The ballad appears at the end – “One More Time” - but I think should’ve come sooner. It’s a killer nonetheless. Like the whole album really. Brilliant I think is the word I’m searching for. Kevin sometimes shouts, sometimes sings, but always in the right places. Very personal songs and very in your face. Scripture references permeate the whole album, lending weight to the lyrics. Title track “Back Again” kicks things off in a no-nonsense fashion - “A song that I wrote as I was thinking about the time when I completely turned my back on God... But God is faithful. Even as I was puking my guts out... his hand was stretched out to me,” is how Kevin describes it. “103” is based on Psalm 103, but is like no placid P&W music. A good way to sum up the album is by listing to “Hardened”, track seven. If I may quote – “Don’t want to hear it anymore/Same old stuff I’ve heard before/What’s the point of serving God?/I’m so glad you asked/What if your mother had cancer, or someone raped your sister, or you die in disaster/Tell me who do you turn to now?/Jesus, God break us, God change us, for we are a people of hardened hearts and unclean lips.” If you want no nonsense rock music with some extra bite, I would recommend Disciple wholeheartedly.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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Reader Comments

Posted by Bradley Sullivan in North Carolina @ 20:51 on Aug 28 2006

Love it...................keep it up

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