Dutton - All Things Fade

Published Tuesday 17th August 2010
Dutton - All Things Fade
Dutton - All Things Fade

RATING 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 95106-16816
LABEL: Independent

Reviewed by Gareth Hills

Hailing from University Baptist Church in Waco, Texas, worship band Dutton have been playing together since 2004, forming initially as a back-up band for when the church's primary band (led by a certain Dave Crowder...) went on tour. Since then they have truly come into their own, and their second album stands out as an accomplished, fun, and passionate testament to this fact. The album opens in much the same way as a live performance might, with the energetic, guitar-drenched "Welcome Here". Following on is the title track, dealing with the temporary nature of the world and human endeavour, contrasted with the timelessness or an eternal God. This is one of the many songs on this album which show that Dutton do in fact go further than many other CCM worship bands, and are truly capable of crafting original, relatable songs instead of sticking to the well-trodden, Hillsong-esque territory that many bands are perhaps content to stay with. However, Dutton do also find room for several more typically anthemic worship songs including the rockabilly, southern gospel swing of "Oh What A Joy" and the simple, yet powerful refrain of "You Are Love". In an age where the worship band is becoming used more and more as a commercial concept, Dutton stand apart as a band capable not only of leading others in worship, but of creating songs which reflect their hearts to God as well.

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Reader Comments

Posted by Nancy in Kentucky @ 21:01 on Aug 25 2010

So very true!! They LOVE the Lord, and it shows as they lead fellow believers to the foot of the cross. My family was blessed to be led in worship by Dutton at The Heights for several years. The church is not small by any means, but the worship was real and God-focused, not a production to be made.

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