Gap D - Checkmate! The Album

Published Tuesday 20th November 2007
Gap D - Checkmate! The Album
Gap D - Checkmate! The Album

STYLE: Hip-Hop
RATING 5 5 5 5 5
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 33142-13169
LABEL: Independent

Reviewed by Wayne Gough

Gap D is one of the growing legion of rappers from the British gospel hip-hop underground. The title track reinforces this fusing strong vocals over smooth beats and feels a good start, unfortunately though not every track on this album is as strong and in places Gap D's cheeky chap persona cannot hide some average tracks that don't live up to the promise of the title track. Still, 'Checkmate' has its moments, "Snatch" has a raw vibe with Gap D honest and open in his testimony, and "U'l Get Thru" is a stripped down tack that showcases the artist's ability to produce a sweet flow from the heart. Having said that, too many of the tracks here are forgettable and one is left with a patchy offering.

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Reader Comments

Posted by Reverb PC in B'ham @ 09:52 on Nov 30 2007

Gap D puts the T in Hip-Hop.
A soulful album wit charm from a gospal underground star of the future.

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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