Reader Comments
I've been looking for this cd for AGES, my sister and i used to love these girls, I'm a grown woman with children and I still have to break out in a random Heather and Kirsten song on occasion.
hello there I just want to thank these two girls when I was a teenager they play in spokane washington and actually gave me there number i remembering talking with them both!I am now a professional musician living out of new york..These two wonderful,extremely talented girls inspired me never to give up,there music completly let my fire and drive to never give up....thanks Heather and Kristin...hope all is well
All the best,
Troy Young
i got the arcade sampler at family christian store in woodland hills mall in tulsa ok. back in like 91 i was like 14 15. i thought the sampler was cool so then i got the betcha didnt know cassette. Man i played that thing so much i can sing the songs still to this day. Anyways i tried to look up info on heather and kirstn online. i finally after digging around i found both of them on myspace. Anyways i had to really shop online to get the betcha didnt know cd. i finally was able to get it on ebay. The cds are out there u just gotta look. Ebay, and cdnow.com to name a few places. musicstack.com also
I just ordered a cd off eBay and I'm so excited - I had the tape years and years ago and played it so much I literally wore it out! Now I teach Christian Dance and only use Christian music so I think my students will be hearing some Heather and Kirsten in the near future!!!
I loved the song Betcha Didn't know. I am trying to track down a cd, hopefully for christmas. I used to hear Heather and kirsten all the time on the radio.
I was on youtube and decided to start looking for old Christian artists I used to listen to like Jennifer Knapp and then I started thinking further back and found Out of Eden and then, I thought, I wonder if Heather and Kirsten are still making music. I bet I can still sing along to those songs. My sister is 5 years older and we used to sing along and pretend we were you two. :) We were in Tianjin, China and only had a couple of tapes and we loved you girls! In the Pouring Rain was my favorite! Brings me back. I am 27 now and my sister, Krista Vossler, is 32 and a singer/songwriter in Austin.
hey i went to school with heather and kirsten @bonneylake elementary.I always wondered if you guys did somethig with music.i heard you guys on the radio once.I remember the talent show when kirsten and melissa holland sang.anyways good luck to you both.Branden peasner
Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeat! I've been collecting, and enjoying all types of Christian Music for ALLLLL my life. I've wanted this CD since it came out! I had the tape, loved it, my family listened to it along with countless other artists! Seeing this on iTunes!?!?!? Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice! I've always wondered what happened to you ladies... i'll be following your careers and praying that the Lord blesses you as you've blessed my life, my friends lives and anyone else who listened as i passed by... 'riding with my top down, listn'ing to that Jesus Musik'
Does anyone know where i can find lyrics to the Betcha Didn't Know album?
I'm seizing this opportunity to highlight Kirsten's new project, Elk & Boar: http://www.reverbnation.com/elkandboar
...they'll gearing up to play SXSW this year ;-)