Reviewed by James Howard-Smith Born in Birmingham, but a Paris resident for two decades, Judith Ann returned from a short break in 2009 to release this maxi-single. The four songs here were done for the 2009 March For Jesus event in Paris, so you might expect a pretty simple live sound. While Judith's earlier work has been fairly standard CCM except for her use of folk instruments, this time, producing herself, she's closer to Latin-influenced jazz pop. (Also, having been intended for a Parisian audience, it's all in French.) Half the lyrics are her own, while the middle two - "Il Revient" (He Is Coming Back) and "Yeshua" - were provided by the pastor and songwriter Fabienne Pons, but the theme is consistent, that of Christ's promised return. It begins with the title track. Its space-age military drum intro is joined by a gently weeping guitar and the resonating keyboard sounds having kicked in, tell us that humanity awaits the King's prophesised coming. On the slowest and most heavily-Latinised track we have "Yeshua, come soon, the Spirit and the Bride say 'come!'" ("Yeshua, Viens bientôt L'Espirit et L'Epouse disent 'viens!'", as sung), and the record ends with the last verse of "David" declaring "The Everlasting awaits your cry, and he'll come". Announcing the coming Kingdom seems the right approach for a March For Jesus, and interesting production makes this studio recording a good listen.
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