Keith Green - The Live Experience Special Edition

Published Wednesday 16th July 2008
Keith Green - The Live Experience Special Edition
Keith Green - The Live Experience Special Edition

STYLE: Jesus Music
RATING 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 45525-14274
LABEL: Sparrow 094639667321
RELEASE DATE: 2008-05-09
RRP: £14.99

Reviewed by Anthony Longville

No less than 26 years after the premature death of Keith Green, we get the release of a set of live recordings. It is not of course the first thing to be released since Green's passing. Over the years there have been a number of releases of unfinished recordings, live songs, numerous compilations and the excellent 'Your Love Broke Through' DVD documentary. For all the wait, for me this has to be perhaps the one which more than anything else catches the essence of Keith Green. 16 songs with nothing but Keith Green and a piano from 1978-1982. Green improvises on his instrument and delivers the vocals with all the passion you'd expect. Indeed, the 1982 version of "Asleep In The Light" which was recorded as Green shared his missionary vision at Jesus West Coast makes for uncomfortable listening, as his voice adds a whole new depth to the challenging lyrics. There is at least one recording here we've heard before - "Piano Prelude/Create In Me A Clean Heart", which originally appeared on 'Jesus Commands Us To Go'. The liner notes then described the first part as spontaneous, even though there appeared to be a full orchestra playing! Well on the original recording there are no superfluous strings or overdubbed vocals, and it's all the better for it. "Oh Lord You're Beautiful" includes previously unheard verses. "My Eyes Are Dry" benefits from a full outing, after it was inexplicably faded out during the verse on 'No Compromise'. Also in the set is a DVD containing many of the same performances as on the CD. Fascinating to see extensive footage of someone who many of us have hardly seen in action. There is a lot of humour which perhaps didn't always come across on studio recordings. Inevitably there is some hard hitting talk, which touches a spiritual nerve even over a quarter of a century later. Speaking of hard hitting, that piano really suffered! As another greatest hits collection hits the shelves, 'The Live Experience" is one release you need to add to your collection.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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Product Description
The majority of Keith's fans today never had the opportunity to experience a live concert so these new, unreleased recordings will be highly sought after by both new and long-time fans. Pulled from a variety of concerts, festivals, TV appearances, these performances are not just an artist singing a list of songs, when you hear Keith live, it's an experience. Captivating, challenging, funny, virtuosic and always engaging, Keith Green live was an experience you will never forget.

The special edition includes the Live Experience CD along with a DVD of over 2 hours of content. DVD includes live performances from TV appearances, festivals, concerts and more - all never before seen. Also included is the 60 minute documentary "Your Love Broke Through" which tells Keith's life-story from his early days as a child recording star to the spiritual journey that led him to faith in Christ.

Reader Comments

Posted by Wolfgang Elste in Germany @ 16:30 on Jul 27 2008

If anyone makes a list of the top twenty cd releases of this year I would put the cd/dvd at the top of this list. I have never seen/heard anything more intense and deeper than this live music and preaching by Keith Green. It didn't sounds like it is thirty years old. It sounds like he has written these songs for today and their message is so very importent. This is music to 'wake up the dead'.

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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