STYLE: Christian Teaching RATING Not Rated OUR PRODUCT CODE: 74750- LABEL: 9781850788362 FORMAT: Book General book RELEASE DATE: 2009-02-27 RRP: £7.99
Product Description
Teaching from Keswick 2008 on the theme of 'Creation, Chaos and Christ'.
Are we here by accident or design? Is the Universe meaningless chaos or the work of a loving Creator? What was actually going on in the first chapters of Genesis, and can we still believe them? What does faith have to say about science, and vice versa? What about ecology - is it just the latest bandwagon or do Christians owe any duty of concern to God's earth? And how do we find the way to follow Jesus in a world that seems to be heading for catastrophe? 'Creation, chaos and Christ' is theme of this collection from Keswick 2008.
David Cook takes us through creation, and Liam Goligher picks up the story with Abraham and his friendship with God. Professor John Wyatt introduces us to the pressures of modern medicine, and Chris Wright shows the unbreakable link between mission and care for the environment.