Louie Giglio - How Great is Our God

Louie Giglio - How Great is Our God
Louie Giglio - How Great is Our God

STYLE: Christian Teaching
RATING Not Rated
LABEL: 5099969948992
FORMAT: DVD Teaching Resource
RELEASE DATE: 2008-06-20
RRP: £14.99

Product Description
Your life is a miracle, and the creator of the universe knows you by name.

He's big enough to breathe out stars, yet intricate enough to fashion together the trillions of cells that make up every facet of who you are. The God who spoke the universe into existence made you, too, and knows everything about you. From the smallest molecule to the situation you find yourself in right now, He's aware of your circumstances and intimately acquainted with everything you do. And He cares about you and promises to carry you through.

That's where we find hope in the midst of the darkest places in life. The journey often complicated and painful, filled with confusion and chaos. Yet, the cross of Christ reveals God's promise to preserve and restore you no matter what the circumstance. He will hold onto you and hold you together, giving strength to those who hope in His unfailing love. He is the everlasting God!

*This DVD series is equipped with a multi-angle viewing function for your DVD player.

Use the ''angle'' button on your DVD remote to switch between the 2 views of the DVD.

Reader Comments

Posted by Tony Mottram in Eastbourne @ 14:21 on Jul 4 2008

Got hooked with "Indescribable" went on to get "How great is our God" ... It just gets better and better he speaks at a level of ordinary people and I am one of them. and he tells of Gods outrageous love for us.. and looks at getting through the tough times.. fantastic stuff. I do not normally go back over dvd's but this one is getting a hammering...

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