MIC - Crazy World

Monday 1st February 1999
MIC - Crazy World
MIC - Crazy World

STYLE: Dance/Electronic
RATING 6 6 6 6 6 6
LABEL: Sarepta SARCD021
RRP: £10.76

Reviewed by Tony Cummings

Their debut album ‘Crazy World’ from 1995 is less focused and a couple of the acoustic tracks sound like demos. But as on all the MIC CDs, their infectious energy and their in-your-face attitude to lyric writing make MIC a band many will want to check out.

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Reader Comments

Posted by michael in New Zealand @ 07:29 on Sep 9 2012

I heard you at parachute festival extreme I got saved after i went on a misson trip to your wonderful country thank you so much xoxox

Posted by Marcia in Gauteng @ 15:02 on Jun 23 2011

Hi I live in South Africa and am struggling to find this and many other MIC albums. Do you know how I could find a copy?

Posted by peter clark in uk @ 15:26 on Jul 29 2010

this cd is out of print and exceedingly difficult to find. Does any one have info useful in tracking it down? Serial numbers / barcodes etc on the disk. as previously mentioned asking second hand dealers if they have 'crazy world' just brings up loads of scorpion references.

Posted by Osmar in Brazil @ 15:29 on Nov 30 2007

The name of tihs disc is the same of Scorpions band
"Crazy World"

But the Scorpions' Music is very very much best!

Posted by wilfred in florida @ 02:14 on Oct 4 2007

my names wilfred and i used to live in durban south africa,i grew up listening to mic and its the only thing i have left from south africa,my cd is old and i wanted to know where i could get this cd.you guys are amazing.

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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