Maranatha! Music - The Silver Anniversary Project

Sunday 1st December 1996
Maranatha! Music - The Silver Anniversary Project
Maranatha! Music - The Silver Anniversary Project

STYLE: MOR / Soft Pop
RATING 3 3 3
LABEL: Maranatha 7016330842
RRP: £2.50

Reviewed by Tony Cummings

Such is the tangled web of issues, reissues, rerecordings and edited versions of praise and worship repertoire poured out on th& public down the years that the question 'do I have these tracks already?' sometimes needs a database to answer. But fear not, these ARE new recordings, though of old songs. The folk at Maranatha reckon 25 years of existence is a good excuse to take a lot of their classics (from Karen Lafferty's "Seek Ye First" from 1972 through to Joseph Garlington's "You Have Purchased Us" in 1995) and get producer Stan Endicott and the Maranatha! Singers to run through them in a (seemingly) never ending medley. You've got some quality voices: Alfie Silas, Rob Matthes, Terry Clark, Donn Thomas, Chris Falson, etc but the renditions (some as short as a minute and a half) rush through too quickly. Good songs, classy renditions but a naff concept.

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Reader Comments

Posted by kofi in London @ 22:58 on May 8 2008

l'm looking for one particular album led by Terry Clark and marantha music. l have been loking for this album for ages; where can l get one to buy?


Posted by murphy mukesh in Calgary @ 10:18 on Aug 6 2007

i am looking for this song titled MARANATHA sung by marantha singers, If someone could help me where i could find this song track, it would great because i live these song. Thanks

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