Marilyn Baker - Overflow Of Worship

Tuesday 1st June 1999
Marilyn Baker - Overflow Of Worship
Marilyn Baker - Overflow Of Worship

STYLE: MOR / Soft Pop
RATING 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
LABEL: Kingsway KMCD2061
RRP: £14.67

Reviewed by Paul Wright

Clearly recorded by a mature artiste, this album is for the mature listener. There are many similar worship albums out there with a devotional style, with string sections, soft backing vocals and cardigans aplenty. This album however, delivers a much more simple and robust production. There is no mush, just simple solid music. Perhaps this is due to Marilyn Baker's confident yet not dominant vocal and keyboard lead. As well as songs of intimacy with the Lord, 'Overflow Of Worship' includes some livelier songs and two instrumentals. With an average song length of four to five minutes this is music to listen to patiently and by no means pop. I found the lyrics rather straightforward, lacking poetic depth or multiple levels of imagery, but this plain approach by no means detracts from the power of the subject matter and in fact matches the production style. In summary, this is a pleasant example of devotional music produced with a refreshing lack of sonic "soft focus". Well worth owning if, in your worship, you are willing to apply your own imagination to the simple yet powerful lyrics.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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Reader Comments

Posted by C Du Raan in Bloemfontein, south Africa @ 06:42 on Sep 16 2018

I want the Lyrick of the song "Seeing is believing" by Marilyn Baker.

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