Nichole Nordeman - Greatest Hits: 12 Songs

Published Wednesday 11th February 2009
Nichole Nordeman - Greatest Hits: 12 Songs
Nichole Nordeman - Greatest Hits: 12 Songs

RATING 3 3 3
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 50237-15093
LABEL: EMI Christian Music Group 5099923704626
RELEASE DATE: 2008-11-07
RRP: £13.00

Reviewed by Ewan Jones

Disclaimer: before you continue reading, please note - Nichole's songs are great and the tracks on this disc feel fresh despite some of them being over 10 years old. The catchy hooks, quality production and inspiring lyrics all combine to make 12 well crafted pop songs. Now, to the actual review. This CD, in the '12 Songs' series, is a lazy and completely unnecessary money spinner. It has the cheek to use the same photo that was used on Nordeman's actual 'Best Of' - 'Recollection: The Best Of Nichole Nordeman' (2007). It then adds insult to injury by being five songs shorter (I realise it wouldn't fit the '12 songs' mandate then, but come on) 'Recollection' featured three more tracks, plus two tracks written especially for that release. Dare I mention that this greatest hits "package" barely even comes packaged at all - just a flimsy cardboard (cheap to produce... sorry, I mean eco-friendly) cover with zero liner notes, lyrics or insights from the artist or her talented producers. Call me cynical but this CD version is a token release actually aimed at drawing attention to EMI's digital catalogue. If you're new to Nichole's music, read the 'Recollection' review and then buy that instead. Don't waste your cash on this.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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