Paul Wallington - Learning To Reign

Tuesday 1st August 2000
Paul Wallington - Learning To Reign
Paul Wallington - Learning To Reign

RATING 6 6 6 6 6 6
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 2244-32479
LABEL: Independent

Reviewed by Trevor Kirk

Another album of grassroots CCM, recorded and engineered at ICC Studios, featuring 100 per cent real instruments (not a programmed drum in sight), and Paul wrote all 10 songs himself. After the opening track, which is a rocky song of praise, the mood mellows out quite noticeably, and the rest of the album majors on worship, with some atmospheric arrangements and accomplished piano playing from Paul. The only problems I have are with the voices, which don't blend very well on some of the slow songs. My two favourite tracks are where Cherie Chesney takes solo duties; "Only By The Blood" is an emotional piano-driven ballad, and "Walking In His Love" has an acoustic guitar base, with drums and piano shuffling along in waltz time. No problems with any of the songs, they're soundly Scriptural, and with a bit of polishing of the vocals, the next album will be even better.

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Reader Comments

Posted by Claudiu in Deva , Romania @ 21:59 on Dec 22 2012

Where i can find this music ?

Reply by paul w in deta @ 09:50 on Feb 16 2013

do give me your address and I'll send you a copy gratis

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