People Of Destiny - The Wonder Of The Cross

Saturday 1st April 1995
People Of Destiny - The Wonder Of The Cross

STYLE: MOR / Soft Pop
RATING 5 5 5 5 5
FORMAT: Book Music/song book

Reviewed by Pat Herridge

The Wonder Of The Cross
Heartcry; Songbook; £6.99 (Nelson Word)
The music tape The Wonder Of The Cross' came out earlier this year and now the accompanying music book is available. The main stumbling block to this songbook is the musical arrangement style, eg, top melody line and then accompaniment. It may suit more of a performance of the song, certainly a fairly proficient pianist with those 'keys' as well. It makes me appreciate the simplified arrangements which have been one of the 'keys' I believe to the success of Songs Of Fellowship. Included in the book is "I'm Justified (Most Holy Judge)" which was so popular at the New Frontiers International Bible Week a couple of years ago. Most of the others are new and therefore a little unproven, but "Alive In Christ" is good and the song's writers Mark Altrogge, Steve and Vikki Cook are good writers, so I would persevere in getting to know them.

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