Ron Kenoly - We Offer Praises

Published Sunday 23rd November 2008
Ron Kenoly - We Offer Praises
Ron Kenoly - We Offer Praises

STYLE: Gospel
RATING 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
LABEL: Hosanna 35511
FORMAT: DVD Music video
RELEASE DATE: 2008-06-30
RRP: £9.99

Reviewed by Heather Richardson

Another worship experience interspersed with a taste of Italy's visual Christian heritage, looking at architecture, sculpture and painting through the ages which unfortunately smacks a little of travelogue. Recorded in 1999 Ron says, "I believe praise and worship will usher the return of Christ." As Christians come together in unity of heart and spirit to worship Jesus Christ we will raise him up for all to see. The songs in this festival of praise proclaim the nature of God - "It Is Good", "He Has Been Good" and "Holy". Ron takes to the stage to lead orchestra, choir and congregation into passionate worship with his usual dash of black church flavouring. Some may find it a tad overblown but others will accept the invitation and enter into worship.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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Product Description
In a country where division goes back to biblical times, God chose a small town for people to gather and worship in unity, a thing many thought impossible. Fiuggi, Italy, lies south of Rome and is known throughout the area for its natural springs of healing waters. It was in this place that a recording of miracles took place. From the healing of Ron Kenoly’s broken leg, which had initially cancelled the recording, to the intense times of worship, God demonstrated his awesome power for all to see. As a result, people from many countries and various denominations offered their praises to God.
With special interviews featuring worship leader Ron Kenoly, breathtaking sights of Italy and seven songs from the LIVE recording, the worship documentary captures the spiritual excitement from that evening of miracles. Join us as we look inside the heart of worship in 'We Offer Praises!'

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